Our work for you...
We are strong in a team!
4 eyes see more than 2!
Trust is good, control is better!
Don't just trust your instincts, trust all your instincts + safety net.
Do not do anything in Egypt that you would not do in Europe.
But uncertainties remain and some things run differently in Egypt than in Europe.
Right, you are in a foreign country, in a foreign culture and hear a foreign language.
The purchase of a property at the Red Sea is often a monetary existential decision. You give your hard earned money out of your hand and want security. Understandable. And for your reassurance - a real estate purchase can also be very relaxed in Egypt.
But let's be honest: even we, who work here every day, experience one or the other surprise every now and then and even if nothing goes wrong - they are surprises after all....
We live and work here and that's why we make sure your money gets to where it's supposed to go - An investment in your Red Sea property without any personal disasters.
We are your safety net and our lawyer is your double bottom. In any case a better feeling than being in free fall...
Long story short: Together is still better than alone, and in this case this is true in every respect!